(1.国网湖北省电力有限公司经济技术研究院,湖北 武汉 430077;2.三峡大学电气与新能源学院,湖北 宜昌 443002;3.华中科技大学强电磁工程与新技术国家重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430074)
(1.Economic and Technical Research Institute,State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co.,Ltd., Wuhan 430077, China; 2.College of Electrical Engineering & New Energy, China Three Gorges University, Yichang 443002, China; 3.State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China)
熊 志,章谋成,姚 伟,等.数据—物理融合驱动的含新能源电网短路电流超标评估策略[J].电力科学与技术学报,2023,38(4):24-34.
XIONG Zhi, ZHANG Moucheng, YAO Wei, et al. Over‑limit short‑circuit current evaluation strategy for power grid with high penetration of renewable energy by combining data‑driven and model‑driven method[J]. Journal of Electric Power Science and Technology,2023,38(4):24-34.